Saturday, May 20, 2006

ShixxNOTE Little about Sending Note

As you can see in picture above ShixxNOTE can read your network neighborhood and you can send note up to 20 recipients with one click on Send Note. Also you can save recipients in a group "Save Group" and saved group name will appear under the note menu.

If you can see group "Office One" have more than one recipients. Maybe you didn't notice but recipients can be Computer name, IP adress or email address. Program will recognize that and will send note to all. If email recipient is in group that your email client will be used to send mail.

One important thing is that you can send note to people who doesn't have program installed !! Then ShixxNOTE will use Windows integrated messaging (like NET SEND) to deliver note message (text only) to recipient.

So hope you can understand benefits of ShixxNOTE in better communication in your office.

Soon new version will be released and I will write new article in this blog what will be implemented in new version and what bugs will be fixed.

Till than try program,
ShixxNOTE Download Page

Regards to all,
Ozren Sirola

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