Sunday, April 05, 2020

ShixxNOTE Your network neighborhood list and LAN


If you don't see nothing in your network neighborhood list when you try to send note to somebody, then read this post. Probably you have Windows 10 and all necessary updates. Like me. On Windows XP, Windows Seven and also on first edition of Windows 10, that list was always full with names of computers in your LAN. Now today you see nothing. Also you don't see your computer. But if you look below you will see your name of computer. So I decide to share with you how can you send and test sending of note to yourself. I decided to send one note to myself. Here below look on my picture first.

I got nothing in my list Network Neighborhood, but below I can see my computer name is OZREN which will be sender's name after I send note to myself. So I entered that name in text box who to send. Simply wrote my computer name OZREN and pressed enter. Then I got in Note Recipient list my computer. So I got one note to send to myself. You can see I also did right mouse click on my computer name and there I got menu where I select option Show IP address. Voila after that I also got my IP address. So I could enter my computer name or IP address in text box.

After I added myself in note recipient list I clicked on button Send note. And off course I got my desktop sticky notes promptly with sound from my speakers.

You can see that in second picture below:

Do it at your home or office and try to send note to the others by entering theirs computer names or IP addresses. It will work on Windows 10 with all cumulative updates. If you have Windows XP or old great Windows 7 you will have not this problems with empty lists.

Stay home because of world pandemic and wait like me for happy end.

Kind regards,

Ozren Sirola
ShixxNOTE author